Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On our way!

After months of preparation, it is hard to believe that we leave today!  We are excited for an opportunity to serve in Africa!  Please lift us up as we leave:

Lift up Dayla as she leads the team.  Ask the Father to give her strength, wisdom and understanding.  Ask the Father to protect her from sickness, harm and discouragement.  Ask the Father to give her direction as she lives life with her new African friends. 

Lift up Dayla and Tim as they return to a place that is so dear to their hearts.  Ask the Father to remind Him of the new things He is doing, that they might not dwell in the past.

Lift up Tim.  Ask the Father to protect Him from harm and discouragement.  Ask also that the Father would instill in Him great courage to share the Truth.  As Tim helps in leading this team, ask the Father to give Tim great wisdom and discernment.

Lift up Bethany.  Ask the Father to give Bethany the courage to share the Truth with boldness.  Bethany has a great love for teaching others.  During our time she will have many opportunities to teach others, ask the Father for discernment and wisdom.

Lift up Jenna.  A few months ago she suffered an injury to her back while pole vaulting.  As we travel thousands of miles please ask for freedom from pain.  We also ask that you lift her up as she shares the Truth.  Jenna is such an encouraging force in our team.  We are so thankful for her gift of encouragement.

Lift up Lori.  Ask that the Father would give her a clear mind as well as a spirit of hope and great courage.  Ask that the Father would use her to bring many close to Him.  Also ask that in the face of great poverty that she would be encouraged to bring a message of Hope to the lost.  Ask for strength and excitement for this adventure!

Lift up Kane.  Ask that the Father would give him the words to speak Truth, a sensitivity to culture and an ability to adapt quickly.  Ask for strength, peace and the ability to lead well.

Lift up Molly.  This trip is a dream come true for Molly.  Ask that the Father would give her great focus, direction in how to serve and on-going encouragement throughout our time.  We are incredibly thankful for her uplifting spirit.

Lift up Kyle.  Ask that the Father would use Kyle's giftings of strength and focus mightily on this trip.  Lift him up as he speaks truth and has many opportunities to speak in front of groups of people.

Thank you for lifting us up.  We will be traveling for the next several days.  Ask the Father that all our bags would arrive safely, that we would not have any issues during travel and that we would be focused and ready to serve when we arrive.  As the M's make final preparations for our arrival, ask that they would be encouraged by our time with them.

For All of Us,

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